GynnMethod Bar Exam Review, MBE app for iPhone and iPad
Developer: Gynn Communications, Inc.
First release : 08 Jul 2010
App size: 139.59 Kb
Review - "Im taking the Maryland bar. Im taking a review course but your app is an excellent supplement. Id say I respond to your method more than in the review course. I can breeze through the questions after watching your videos."
~MyEsha, Passed MD Bar exam, 2010
A bar exam primer that you need to use BEFORE YOU SET FOOT IN YOUR BAR REVIEW COURSE.
Video tutorials on your iphone that give you a solid baseline on the MBE subject materials and details on the items in each subject. A thorough but compact overview of the MBE to use BEFORE taking a commercial bar review course
Also, I get into, by subject, the trouble type questions. Examples:
1. In Contracts, a negotiation going back and forth and back and forth and the call of the question is who is the offeror and who is the offeree or what are the terms on the contract?
2. In Evidence, what is an "out of court statement offered to prove the matter asserted"?
3. In Constitutional, how do the scrutiny levels apply to different parts of the 14th amendment due process and equal protection clause?
4. In Torts, what kind of impact does a subsequent intervening cause have on a negligence claim and which intervening causes are foreseeable and which ones are not?
Also, I give you a set of tools that you ABSOLUTELY NEED in order to track all the material that you are working with in preparing for the multi-state bar exam.
This application is directed at both first time and repeat bar exam takers. Again, I cut thru to what you really need to know and then get you into MBE sample questions asap!
Check out the website,, in order to see samples and the content of the iPhone app in action.
Best of luck on the exam!